
Publications supported or partially supported by our Science Investigation Team are listed below.

1. Information content of the angular multipoles of redshift-space galaxy bispectrum, Gagrani and Samushia, arXiv

2. Optimal weights for measuring redshift space distortions in multitracer galaxy catalogues, Pearson, Samushia,and Gagrani, arXiv

3. Unbiased contaminant removal for 3D galaxy power spectrum measurements, Kalus et al., arXiv

4. Estimating the power spectrum covariance matrix with fewer mock samples, Pearson and Samushia, arXiv

5. The effect of detector nonlinearity on WFIRST PSF profiles for weak gravitational lensing measurements, Plazas et al., arXiv

6. Nonlinearity and pixel shifting effects in HXRG infrared detectors, Plazas et al., arXiv

7. Can we use weak lensing to measure total mass profiles of galaxies on 20 kpc scales?, Kobayashi et al., arXiv

8. The complete calibration of the color-redshift relation (C3R2) survey: survey overview and data release 1, Masters et al., arXiv

9. Looking through the same lens: shear calibration for LSST, Euclid & WFIRST with stage 4 CMB lensing, arXiv

10. Multitracing anisotropic non-gaussianity with galaxy shapes, Chisari et al, arXiv

11. Predicting Hα emission line galaxy counts for future galaxy redshift surveys, Merson et al., arXiv

12. Laboratory measurement of the brighter-fatter effect in an H2RG infrared detector, Plazas et al., arXiv

13. Complete super-sample lensing covariance in the response approach, Barreira, Krause, Schmidt arXiv

14. Precision Projector Laboratory: Detector Characterization with an Astronomical Emulation Testbed, Shapiro et al., arXiv

15. Image simulations for gravitational lensing with SkyLens, Plazas et al., arXiv

16. Photometric redshift calibration requirements for WFIRST Weak Lensing Cosmology: Predictions from CANDELS, Hemmati et al., arXiv

17. The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation (C3R2) Survey: Analysis and Data Release 2, Masters,..,Capak, et al., arXiv

18. Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing in HSC: Validation Tests and the Impact of Heterogeneous Spectroscopic Training Sets, Speagle,..,Capak,..,Masters,Mandelbaum, et al., arXiv

19. Horizon-AGN Virtual Observatory - 1. SED-fitting performance and forecasts for future imaging surveys, Laigle,..,Capak, et al., arXiv

20. Horizon-AGN Virtual Observatory - 2. Template-free estimates of galaxy properties from colours, Davidzon,..,Capak,Masters,Hemmati, et al., arXiv

21. Bringing manifold learning and dimensionality reduction to SED fitters, Hemmati,Capak,…,Masters, et al., arXiv

22. Synergizing Deep field programs across multiple surveys, Capak, et al., arXiv

23. Unveiling cosmic dawn: the synergetic role of space and ground-based telescopes, Cuby,…,Capak, et al., arXiv

24. Deep+Wide lensing surveys will provide exquisite measurements of the dark matter halos of dwarf galaxies, Leauthaud,…,Capak, et al., arXiv

25. Rainbow cosmic shear: Optimization of tomographic bins, Kitching,…,Capak,Masters, et al., arXiv

26. The DEIMOS 10K Spectroscopic Survey Catalog of the COSMOS Field, Hasinger,Capak,…,Hemmati,..Masters, et al., arXiv

27. Partnering space and ground observatories - Synergies in cosmology from LSST and WFIRST, Eifler,Simet,Hirata,Heinrich,Hemmati,Mandelbaum,Krause,Doré,Spergel,et al., arXiv

28. Partnering space and ground observatories - Synergies in cosmology from LSST and WFIRST, Eifler,Simet,Hirata,Heinrich,Hemmati,Mandelbaum,Krause,Doré,Spergel,et al., arXiv

29. The science advantage of a redder filter for WFIRST, Staufer, Helou,…,Capak, et al., arXiv

30. Constraining neutrino mass with the tomographic weak lensing bispectrum, Coulton,…,Spergel, arXiv

31. Cosmic Voids as Laboratories for Neutrino Physics, Kreisch,Spergel,et al., arXiv

32. MassiveNuS: cosmological massive neutrino simulations, Liu,…,Spergel, arXiv

33. Cosmic voids: a novel probe to shed light on our Universe, Pisani,Spergel,Hirata,Ho,Jain,et al. arXiv

34. Brighter-fatter effect in near-infrared detectors – I. Theory of flat auto-correlations, Hirata, Choi, arXiv

35. Brighter-fatter effect in near-infrared detectors – II. Auto-correlation analysis of H4RG-10 flats, Choi, Hirata, arXiv

36. Covariance matrices for galaxy cluster weak lensing: from virial regime to uncorrelated large-scale structure, Wu, Weinberg, et al. arXiv

37. A Synthetic Roman Space Telescope High-Latitude Imaging Survey: Simulation Suite and the Impact of Wavefront Errors on Weak Gravitational Lensing, Troxel, Long, Hirata, Choi et al, 2020 arXiv

38. Robust and model-independent cosmological constraints from distance measurements, Zhai, Wang, arXiv

39. Reconstructing the weak lensing magnification distribution of Type Ia supernovae, Zhai, Wang, arXiv

40. Prediction of Hα and [OIII] Emission Line Galaxy Number Counts for Future Galaxy Redshift Surveys, Zhai, et al., arXiv

41. CMB distance priors revisited: effects of dark energy dynamics, spatial curvature, primordial power spectrum, and neutrino parameters, Zhai, et al. arXiv

42. Forecasting Cosmological Constraints from the Weak Lensing Magnification of Type Ia Supernovae Measured by the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, Zhai, Wang, Scolnic, arXiv

43. Clustering in the Simulated Hα Galaxy Redshift Survey from Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, Zhai, et al. arXiv

44. Cosmology with galaxy cluster weak lensing: statistical limits and experimental design, Wu, Weinberg, et al. arXiv

45. Gravitational Wave Detection with Photometric Surveys, Wang, Pardo, Chang, and Doré arXiv

46. Brighter-fatter effect in near-infrared detectors – III. Fourier-domain treatment of flat field correlations and application to WFIRST, Freudenburg, Givans, Choi, Hirata, et al., arXiv

47. The Impact of Interpixel Capacitance in CMOS Detectors on PSF shapes and Implications for WFIRST, Kannawadi, Shapiro, Mandelbaum, Hirata, Kruk, and Rhodes arXiv

48. The Impact of Light Polarization Effects on Weak Lensing Systematics, Lin, Tan, Mandelbaum, and Hirata arXiv

49. The Void Size Function in Dynamical Dark Energy Cosmologies, Verza, Pisani, et al. arXiv

50. The bias of cosmic voids in the presence of massive neutrinos, Schuster, Hamaus, Pisani, et al. arXiv

51. Massive Neutrinos Leave Fingerprints on Cosmic Voids, Kreisch, Pisani, Spergel, et al. arXiv

52. Cosmology with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope – Synergies with the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time, Eifler, et al. arXiv

53. Cosmology with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope – Multi-Probe Strategies, Eifler, et al. arXiv

54. A 5% measurement of the gravitational constant in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Desmond, Sakstein, Jain arXiv

55. Testing f(R) Gravity With Scale Dependent Cosmic Void Velocity Profiles, Wilson and Bean, arXiv

56. Redshift space power spectrum beyond Einstein-de Sitter kernels, Aviles, Valogiannis, Rodriguez-Meza, Cervantes-Cota, Li and Bean, arXiv

57. An accurate perturbative approach to redshift space clustering of biased tracers in modified gravity, Valogiannis, Bean and Aviles, arXiv

58. Convolution Lagrangian perturbation theory for biased tracers beyond general relativity, Valogiannis and Bean, arXiv

60. Cross-bispectra Constraints on Modified Gravity Theories from Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time, Heinrich & Doré, arXiv

61. The Aemulus Project IV: Emulating Halo Bias, McClintock, et al. arXiv

62. How do galaxy properties affect void statistics?, Panchal, Pisani, Spergel arXiv

63. Precision cosmology with voids in the final BOSS data, Hamaus, Pisani et al. arXiv

64. The void halo mass function: a promising probe of neutrino mass, Zhang, Li, Liu, Spergel, Kreisch, Pisani and Wandelt arXiv

65. Constraints on the growth of structure around cosmic voids in eBOSS DR14, Hawken, Aubert, Pisani et al. arXiv

66. Properties of simulated galaxies and supermassive black holes in cosmic voids, Habouzit, Pisani et al. arXiv

67. SuperFaB: a fabulous code for Spherical Fourier-Bessel decomposition, Grasshorn Gebhardt, Doré arXiv

68. Information Content of Higher-Order Galaxy Correlation Functions, Samushia, Slepian, Villaescusa-Navarro arXiv

69. The Outer Stellar Mass of Massive Galaxies: A Simple Tracer of Halo Mass with Scatter Comparable to Richness and Reduced Projection Effects, Huang, Leauthaud et al. arXiv

70. Impact of Image Persistence in the Roman Space Telescope High-Latitude Survey, Lin, Mandelbaum, et al. arXiv

71. Detecting dark matter subhalos with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, Pardo, Doré arXiv

72. Harmonic analysis of isotropic fields on the sphere with arbitrary masks, Grasshorn Gebhardt, Doré arXiv

73. The High Latitude Spectroscopic Survey on the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, Wang, Zhai et al. arXiv

74. HIFlow: Generating Diverse HI Maps Conditioned on Cosmology using Normalizing Flow, Hassan, Villaescusa-Navarro et al. arXiv

75. Quantum yield and charge diffusion in the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope infrared detectors, Givans, Choi et al. arXiv

76. The RSD Sorting Hat: Unmixing Radial Scales in Projection, Taylor, Markovič, et al. arXiv

77. Linear bias and halo occupation distribution of emission line galaxies from Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, Zhai, Wang, et al. arXiv

78. The Outer Stellar Mass of Massive Galaxies: A Simple Tracer of Halo Mass with Scatter Comparable to Richness and Reduced Projection Effects, Huang, Leauthaud, et al. ads

79. The GIGANTES dataset: precision cosmology from voids in the machine learning era, Kreisch, Pisani, Villaescusa-Navarro, Spergel et al. arXiv

80. Cosmology with the Roman Space Telescope – Synergies with CMB lensing, Wenzl et al. arXiv

81. A Joint Roman Space Telescope and Rubin Observatory Synthetic Wide-Field Imaging Survey, Troxel et al. arXiv

82. Weak gravitational lensing shear estimation with METACALIBRATION for the Roman High-Latitude Imaging Survey, Yamamoto, Troxel, et al. arXiv

83. The High Latitude Spectroscopic Survey on the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, Wang et al. arXiv